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Understanding ESG Due Diligence: Managing Modern Risks and Opportunities

In recent years, organizations have faced increasingly complex risks across financial, digital, and environmental domains. Environmental risks intersect with financial concerns as investors assess long-term sustainability amid climate change. Additionally, as companies expand digitally, issues such as privacy and social responsibility merge with challenges of digital crime. Today, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are […]

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Protecting Your Research Integrity

Research Integrity refers to the underlying values that guide researchers in their work and their engagement with the practical, intellectual, and ethical difficulties that arise during research. Integrity in the conduct of research is essential to sustaining the public's faith in research.  Researchers in all professions rely on others to limit or disclose bias and […]

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How to Mitigate UBO Risks

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a legal term connected to know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) laws implemented by nations worldwide. It is a crucial component of an organization's compliance and due diligence operations. The ultimate beneficiary of an organization's business activities is the person or thing that ultimately benefits from the firm's commercial activities. […]

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How ESG Strategy Can Help To Improve Legal And Regulatory Risk

Investors are increasingly taking non-financial concerns like environmental, social, and governance (ESG) into account when deciding how to manage risk and take advantage of new opportunities. ESG strategy, frequently based on a model and a rating scale, plays a vital role in analyzing business investments and establishing the organization's sustainability. Value creation from ESG is […]

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Why On-Site Inspections Are Important

On-site inspections are a series of routine procedures to examine and confirm the on-field observance of safety standards, working conditions, and other crucial work site elements. The traditional ways of conducting field visits using a paper and pen checklist are used to conduct and carry out the site inspection. Over the course of a few […]

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Protect Your Business from Supply Chain Risks

Over the years, many businesses have experienced unanticipated supply chain risks i.e., disruptions and vulnerabilities. This has resulted in recalls that cost hundreds of millions of dollars in sectors as diverse as consumer goods, electronics, and automotive.  Additionally, many public and private organizations have experienced cybersecurity breaches, losing crucial intellectual property as a result of […]

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Why Database Checks Alone Are Not Enough For Due Diligence

Database checks entail an extensive investigation into a structured database. Consulting international and national databases assists in determining whether a candidate has ever been associated with any actions connected to fraud or crime. On the other hand, due diligence is the process of gathering and verifying relevant information about a company or person. This information […]

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Why Founders & Investors Need To Embed Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. Many organizations have applied corporate governance, guiding the proper conduct of each person. The board of directors is also in charge of the governance of their companies. The role of stakeholders in governing is to appoint the most suitable directors and auditors. The […]

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How Businesses Can Avoid Fraud 

Since the beginning of the financial services industry, unethical organizations have discovered ways to take advantage of vulnerabilities for their benefit. Although business fraud is nothing new, internet thieves are becoming more skilled at exploiting security measures as the financial system grows more decentralized. Business Fraud Types Despite its numerous variations, asset misappropriation, corruption, and […]

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Top Benefits Of A Good Due Diligence Report

Running a compliance program requires conducting due diligence on your third parties. It enables you to identify hazards that could go unnoticed if third parties were expected to respond to surveys merely or self-disclose information. Due diligence reports must be compiled in such a way that every party can understand them with ease. What Exactly […]

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