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Understanding ESG Due Diligence: Managing Modern Risks and Opportunities

In recent years, organizations have faced increasingly complex risks across financial, digital, and environmental domains. Environmental risks intersect with financial concerns as investors assess long-term sustainability amid climate change. Additionally, as companies expand digitally, issues such as privacy and social responsibility merge with challenges of digital crime. Today, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are […]

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How Southeast Asian Start-Ups Are Promoting Investment

Southeast Asian start-ups are playing a significant role in promoting investment in the region. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, these innovative companies have continued to attract investment from both domestic and foreign sources. In fact, their success has contributed to the impressive growth rate of foreign direct investment in ASEAN nations, which has […]

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Asian Nations Are Plagued By Corruption And The Repression Of Freedom

According to a recent report from Transparency International, governments in numerous nations around the Asia-Pacific region have repressed fundamental liberties and public space in the face of growing authoritarianism and significant levels of corruption (TI). According to the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), 2022 report released on January 31, Afghanistan, Cambodia, North Korea, and Myanmar are […]

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Indonesia's Perception Of Corruption Declines

A number of Southeast Asian nations' rankings in the 2022 Corruption Perception Index (CPI), released by Transparency International (TI) for 180 countries, have stagnated, and some other countries' democratic regress has gotten worse, which has a direct or indirect impact on the standard of public-sector governance. Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index has a 4% drop, and […]

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Protecting Your Research Integrity

Research Integrity refers to the underlying values that guide researchers in their work and their engagement with the practical, intellectual, and ethical difficulties that arise during research. Integrity in the conduct of research is essential to sustaining the public's faith in research.  Researchers in all professions rely on others to limit or disclose bias and […]

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How to Mitigate UBO Risks

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a legal term connected to know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) laws implemented by nations worldwide. It is a crucial component of an organization's compliance and due diligence operations. The ultimate beneficiary of an organization's business activities is the person or thing that ultimately benefits from the firm's commercial activities. […]

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Access To The Business Registry Database Is Restricted By The Myanmar Junta

In an apparent attempt to reduce openness surrounding firms following the coup, the military has blocked access to a business registry database of foreign and local businesses in Myanmar. The Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), a subsidiary of the junta's planning and finance department, has begun to prohibit subscription access to details on […]

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EC's Review Of EU Securitization Regulation

As Article 46 of the Securitization Regulation recommends, the European Commission published its Report on the operation of the Securitization Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/2402) on October 10, 2022. Nevertheless, the Commission recognizes the importance of securitization to the EU financial markets, adding that it "remains fully committed to the purpose of building the framework for […]

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How ESG Strategy Can Help To Improve Legal And Regulatory Risk

Investors are increasingly taking non-financial concerns like environmental, social, and governance (ESG) into account when deciding how to manage risk and take advantage of new opportunities. ESG strategy, frequently based on a model and a rating scale, plays a vital role in analyzing business investments and establishing the organization's sustainability. Value creation from ESG is […]

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Why On-Site Inspections Are Important

On-site inspections are a series of routine procedures to examine and confirm the on-field observance of safety standards, working conditions, and other crucial work site elements. The traditional ways of conducting field visits using a paper and pen checklist are used to conduct and carry out the site inspection. Over the course of a few […]

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Protect Your Business from Supply Chain Risks

Over the years, many businesses have experienced unanticipated supply chain risks i.e., disruptions and vulnerabilities. This has resulted in recalls that cost hundreds of millions of dollars in sectors as diverse as consumer goods, electronics, and automotive.  Additionally, many public and private organizations have experienced cybersecurity breaches, losing crucial intellectual property as a result of […]

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Why Database Checks Alone Are Not Enough For Due Diligence

Database checks entail an extensive investigation into a structured database. Consulting international and national databases assists in determining whether a candidate has ever been associated with any actions connected to fraud or crime. On the other hand, due diligence is the process of gathering and verifying relevant information about a company or person. This information […]

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Why Founders & Investors Need To Embed Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. Many organizations have applied corporate governance, guiding the proper conduct of each person. The board of directors is also in charge of the governance of their companies. The role of stakeholders in governing is to appoint the most suitable directors and auditors. The […]

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How Businesses Can Avoid Fraud 

Since the beginning of the financial services industry, unethical organizations have discovered ways to take advantage of vulnerabilities for their benefit. Although business fraud is nothing new, internet thieves are becoming more skilled at exploiting security measures as the financial system grows more decentralized. Business Fraud Types Despite its numerous variations, asset misappropriation, corruption, and […]

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Top Benefits Of A Good Due Diligence Report

Running a compliance program requires conducting due diligence on your third parties. It enables you to identify hazards that could go unnoticed if third parties were expected to respond to surveys merely or self-disclose information. Due diligence reports must be compiled in such a way that every party can understand them with ease. What Exactly […]

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How New Crypto Regulations in South Korea Are Affecting Firms

A cryptocurrency broker is a firm that can stand as a mediator between cryptocurrency markets to facilitate the trading of these currencies. Some of the best crypto firms include coin base, binance, Kraken, etc. New crypto regulations in south Korea have really limited the operations of internal and external firms. Blocking Crypto Exchanges That Lack Permit. […]

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How Compliance Can Help Prevent Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the instance of bartering human beings for sexual slavery, forced labor, or sexual exploitation to gain money. It is the transfer of persons through threat, force, or even abduction. The whole purpose of human trafficking is to take advantage of other human beings for profit, whether material or financial. Examples of human […]

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Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act: What You Should Know

In December 2021, Congress passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) with overwhelming bipartisan support, passing the House 428-1 and the Senate unanimously. President Biden signed it into law. The UFLPA requires the administration to take significant new steps to prevent goods from entering U.S. markets produced in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), […]

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What Are Sanctions: The Best Definition

Sanctions are the punishments given to a country due to its inability to comply with its laws, orders, and rules. They enhance behavior change in irresponsible individuals who commit these conflicts and help fulfill comprehensive peace and security. Some countries that practice this act include; North Korea, Syria, and Russia-Belarus. Russia, the most common country, […]

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6 GRC Trends: How Will Governance, Risk, And Compliance Evolve?

GRC trends refer to a company's approach to managing the relationships between corporate governance policies, enterprise risk management programs, adherence to laws, and company policies. The pace of change in the commercial world is mind-boggling. Every day, new business risks emerge, including those related to supply chains, third-party suppliers, privacy concerns, operational difficulties, cyberattacks, financial instability, […]

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The Negative and Positive Effects Of Having Third Parties With Business In Sanctioned Countries

As a company or corporation grows, it frequently finds itself in the position of requiring additional connectivity to perform its operations. At this stage, businesses must determine how to proceed, which necessitates the acquisition of third parties to assist with corporate expansion. Having third parties with business in sanctioned nations has both negative and positive […]

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Indicators That Your Third-Party Is Exposed To War In Ukraine

Russia's invasion of Ukraine evoked unified reactions from NATO and its allies, with member countries imposing sanctions on Russia as retaliation. Given that Russia has been linked to some of the most severe third-party cyber-attacks, including those on SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline, and JBS Foods, the U.S. Such minor issues indicate that your third-party is exposed […]

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Steps To Getting Started In Third-Party Due Diligence

Third-party due diligence vendors are an essential aspect of minimizing third-party vulnerability. Your firm should be sure that it deals with a respectable company with a strong reputation. Furthermore, when the risks arise, you should ensure that your third party has the procedures to reduce the underlying hazards of supplying the services or products. Failure […]

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What is Third-party Due Diligence

One of the most crucial procedures before beginning collaboration with a third-party company is due diligence, which reveals any unaddressed dangers or weaknesses that could damage your network. In this piece, we'll define third-party due diligence, go through its benefits, and provide step-by-step directions for getting started. Knowing one's partner is a crucial component of […]

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Why Bankruptcy and Insolvency Checks Are Important

A bankruptcy and insolvency checks are a thorough investigation into a person's or business's financial stability and credit history. These investigations provide details about the person's or business's financial stability, such as if they have been declared bankrupt, insolvent, or had significant credit problems. Therefore, these checks can help you make decisions by giving you […]

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Why Identifying a Company's Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is Important

By confirming their clients' identities, businesses can ensure they are doing business with the right people in a regulatory environment that is always evolving. In light of this, financial regulators mandate that companies identify the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) in transactions with customer entities. The UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner), who may be a natural person […]

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Why Is Knowing The Financial Statement Of A Company Important?

The financial statement of a company gives critical data about its financial health. It correctly depicts the corporate's business activities and economic status. Furthermore, it assists all stakeholders, such as securities analysts and investors, in gauging and making appropriate financial choices by analyzing previous and present performances. The information provided by financial statements offers standards […]

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Discreet Source Inquiries: The Best Strategies

Businesses and their rivals are both moving at breakneck speeds. Every choice these companies make needs to be well-researched if they want to have an advantage in the market. No matter what industry they are in, every organization has access to a wealth of data they may use to their benefit. Unfortunately, very few businesses […]

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Ineffective Customer Due Diligence: Worst Risks That May Arise And Go Unidentified

A company needs to understand the people it does business with. Therefore, many companies perform a percentage of customer due diligence. Customer Due Diligence is a very important and complex field used by financial institutions to evaluate and collect the relevant details of a customer or a potential customer. It helps you to identify and have knowledge […]

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Why Obtaining Company Registration Records Is Necessary

Introduction The more information you have, the easier it is to search for company records. If possible, try to find out: The name of the company and its address. The date that the company was formed. The date that the records were last updated. How to get access to the places where public records are […]

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The Best Way To Perform a Political Exposure Check

Introduction When it comes to performing a political exposure check, it's important for businesses to be aware of the different criteria that can constitute a Politically Exposed Person(PEP). Each country or company may have its own definition of what this entails, so it's important to be familiar with the regulations and standards. Regulatory compliance is […]

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What is Supply Chain Sustainability: Requirements, Practices, and Impact

Introduction What is Supply Chain Sustainability? This is a question that many people are asking, and for a good reason. The definition of supply chain sustainability can be a little unclear, but generally, it refers to optimizing resources while also increasing ROI. In other words, it's about looking for ways to make our businesses more […]

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Civil Litigation And Criminal Record Search

Civil litigation and criminal record search provide a wide range of information that involves legal actions like employment discrimination, credit/debit law, real estate, bankruptcy, etc.  It could be an added advantage if you are a businessman and have more knowledge about such actions. It gives some employers a sense of the applicant's character. Civil litigation […]

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Global Sanctions & Watchlist Screening: Its Importance To Companies

As a company owner, you are certainly aware that global sanctions and compliance are critical to the operation of your company. This includes securely preserving accounting statements to preserve client confidentiality, protecting all of your data with firewalls, and screening clients and potential business partners before and after partnering with them. Unfortunately, this global sanction […]

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Why Is Background Screening Important?

An employer that neglects to undertake a background screening on an applicant for a danger-sensitive job may be held accountable for retention or negligent hiring if the worker subsequently engages in significant misbehavior or criminal actions. Punishments in such circumstances might amount to a huge sum of money. As a result, the effort and cash […]

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What is Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance is a company's adherence to guidelines, specifications, laws, and regulations that are very relevant to business processes. Any person who might violate regulatory compliance always ends up receiving legal punishment like fines. Every organization keeps a record search to track every activity taking place within the company. Most regulations are set at international, […]

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Why Media And Internet Searches Are Crucial

Any news that reveals a person's involvement in crimes is considered adverse media. However, in Anti-Money Laundering(AML) compliance, hostile media refers to publicly accessible risk-relevant information. This unfavorable information could include reports of money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, tax evasion, human rights violations, and more. Therefore, Internet search is relevant for any business. Information can […]

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Why We Conduct Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring involves using tools to listen to millions of online discussions to find out what is being said about a specific brand, problem, person, or product and identify opportunities. Any business strategy that wants to succeed needs to use social media.  Any unfavorable information about an individual or group of individuals published, disclosed, […]

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Why Identifying Source of Wealth and Business Interest is Important

Identifying sources of wealth and business interests helps ensure the legality of the money or assets involved. If these two things match up with each other, well and good. But if not, then this indicates income from a probably illegal source. Going on a business venture with such a party can cause you more harm […]

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Importance of Due Diligence and Background Checks

Conducting due diligence and background checks is a significant step for any company. Due diligence can be referred to as a thorough investigation, evaluation, or audit of a potential or prospective investment at corporate or individual levels before entering into an agreement or financial transaction with another party. Due diligence is a very important and […]

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