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Why On-Site Inspections Are Important

On-site inspection - Image from pixabay by Mariakray

On-site inspections are a series of routine procedures to examine and confirm the on-field observance of safety standards, working conditions, and other crucial work site elements.

The traditional ways of conducting field visits using a paper and pen checklist are used to conduct and carry out the site inspection. Over the course of a few days, they are eventually collated and processed into information, and a final report is published. A lot of time and effort is expended to do the same thing. As non-compliances become known, further measures are put into place.


  • Particular paperwork must be required for review.
  • Take a site tour
  • On-site interviews with pertinent parties.
  • The inspectors for the company also go over previous compliance actions taken at locations. On-site Inspectors will evaluate the execution of any corrective actions resulting from prior compliance activities when performing an inspection.
  • A site inspection's length varies based on the location and other factors. They typically last 45 to an hour, though. Reviews may concentrate on a particular problem or have a broad reach.

What Takes Place On The Ground During A Field Audit?

Inspectors will show up at the site or place of business at the scheduled time and day. To explain the on-site component of the audit process and address any questions you may have, the Inspectors will conduct an initial briefing with the Senior Management of the project.

The audit will then be started by inspectors scrutinizing and copying papers. Inspectors may also walk the site in compliance with the project's safety regulations, take photos, and pose pertinent questions. After reviewing, inspectors may interview relevant parties, including site management staff. Depending on the size and complexity of the audit, different amounts of time may be spent on site. Inspectors often stay on a site for at least one day.

The relevant inspectors evaluate the efficacy of any promised rectification actions while conducting the audit.

Please be aware that the relevant inspector must display their identity card and specify the reason for their visit before or as soon as it is practical after entering the premises to perform an inspection or audit.

On-site inspection - Image from pixabay by geralt
On-site inspection - Image from pixabay by geralt

The inspection company then finalizes the audit results and notifies any businesses implicated after analyzing the documentation and conducting interviews.

They write to the relevant business if they find violations of the Code. When possible, they will offer a chance for voluntary correction of violations. Voluntary punishment might not be sufficient for all infractions.

Can Digital Site Inspection Bring Improvements?

By transferring the same activity into a digital platform using a software tool on or off the field, all the inspection checklist items are ready to be filled out. Findings can be reported, and digital real-time reports can be shared with all the stakeholders. Most importantly, the entire NC closing cycle, including the tracking of corrective or preventive actions, would undoubtedly increase the process efficiency and transparency through real-time updates.

Critical Factors For On-site Inspection:

Preparation and Planning

What are the first three questions you need to know the answers to conduct an inspection?

What will I check out? Although it might seem obvious, you must first determine what you will inspect. For example, the inspection criteria for a wheel loader are very different from those for a construction site.

How shall I examine it? Are you going to use software or a paper checklist form? Do you have an interior layout? Do you have any unique guidelines to follow for completing your inspection?

Will I inspect when? Ensure that you have allotted adequate time to finish the inspection.


Although they can be, on-site inspections aren't always complicated. Any staff members who will perform checks must be trained. They must be familiar with the locale, the assets, any potential dangers, the controls, and how to use data from earlier inspections. Additionally, they should know the statistics from earlier accident and maintenance reports.


Make a schedule for your site inspections and prepare your checklist following it. Assign the inspector in advance, then send reminders for the scheduled examination.

Attention to detail is necessary when inspecting. Inspectors must be constantly vigilant and keep an eye and ear out for any potential dangers. Inspectors are guided by checklists, but a safety mindset is also essential.

On-site inspection - Image from pixabay by webandi
On-site inspection - Image from pixabay by webandi


If an inspection checklist manual or software is utilized, defects or dangers will be mentioned in the inspection findings. It is simple to demonstrate due diligence by keeping a thorough inspection record, including where it was completed, when, and what hazards were detected.

Following Up After An Inspection

Any additional steps you intend to take should be justified to your representatives.

Give the person who informed you of the inspection the chance to conduct a second inspection so they may determine whether the problems raised were adequately addressed and record their observations.

Sometimes, taking action might not be the best course of action; you might not have enough time to act, or your safety representatives might disapprove of your action. It is advisable to provide your reps with a written justification for your chosen course of action.

Although you are still in charge of making business-related choices, you may demonstrate that you have given their input some thought by being transparent with your representatives and explaining your judgments.

What Moxe Consulting Do?

As part of the on-site inspection process, our inspectors will visit the facility and observe, whether discreetly or overtly, such as looking for suspicious activities and behavior and determining whether there is a business operation. Inspections are conducted to ensure a site's compliance, and we provide quality service to the best of our ability. Site owners are typically not given advance notice unless specifically requested by clients.


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